Original Designs

Codex just keeps creating

It's impossible to turn off the creative juices once armed with Mac 'n Cheeze and a side of Hot Fries. From out of the blue her new creations come to the fore and perhaps there is a manufacturing or marketing license application ... who knows?

Personal Caricature

More than a bobble-head

Codex can create a two or three dimension caricature of a loved one or friend. OK, perhaps even an evil one of an enemy or two!

Fan Art

Sometimes just for her own devilment

But sometimes upon request, Codex will pay homage to her heroes with fan art pieces in two and three dimensions. Have a specific interest?

Advertising Graphics

Commercialization of art

There is a time and a place for everything and having access to a creative mind and talent, can be the difference between an advertising piece that works, and one that does not!

Custom Designs

Creativity upon demand

So you have a concept but don't know how to bring it to fruition? Being a multi-media master provides Codex with an excellent platform to approach any concept.

Logo Designs

Not your normal corporate affair

At the opposite end of the spectrum from cookie-cutter corporate logos, is a talent that can fashion a unique and appropriate design for your company, club, or product line.